Medicine Hat Public Library hosting new Nerd Night with Station Coffee Co.

Meet fellow fans of Dungeons & Dragons, boardgames, video games, Star Wars and other "nerdy" topics.
Posted on 25 February 2025 by Chris Brown.

Medicine Hat Public Library invites you to Station Coffee Co. this week to get down and nerdy.

The library is pleased to present a new program, Sips and Socials, to bring people together to make new friends and build connections over common interests. The theme for the first edition of Sips and Socials is Nerd Night on Thursday, Feb. 27, at 6 p.m.

Ten tables will be set up for discussion about different “nerdy” topics such as Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: The Gathering and Star Wars. 

“Some people really big fans of anime or Dungeons & Dragons or boardgames but haven’t found their community or their people yet, or they have found them and want to expand and welcome more people into their group,” says Chris Brown, head of marketing and community engagement at MHPL. “We hope this evening will bring people together over their shared likes that some people can be very passionate about.”

The table topics will be: Anime, Boardgames, Comic Books, Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: The Gathering, Star Trek, Star Wars and Video Games – cozy games and more action-oriented games. The final table will be for general discussion of other “nerdy” topics. 

No pre-registration is required for the free, drop-in event.

The idea for Sips and Socials was built from Speed Friending events held last spring and summer, but with more specific on topics to bring like-minded people together.

Brown adds it’s exciting to take the program into the community and Station is a wonderful location to host the evening. 

Snacks will be provided by the library and drinks will be available for purchase.

Follow us on social media: @mhpubliclibrary

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