MHPL Comic Con No. 1 Coming May 4

Something for all ages and all levels of "geekdom"
Posted on 30 April 2024 by Chris Brown.

Are your Spidey senses tingling? They should be. The inaugural Medicine Hat Public Library Comic Con is approaching at warp speed.

On Saturday, May 4, the library will have something for everyone, from the longtime fan of the genre to those just discovering the thrills of the Millennium Falcon, quidditch or Gotham City. 

Stephanie Kuhn, youth and community librarian, has long wanted to host a gathering like this.

“It’s always been my dream to host a bigger event like a Comic Con here in Medicine Hat,” she says. “There are wonderful ones happening in Calgary and Edmonton but they are very expensive and hard to get to and so I wanted to bring something more local here to Medicine Hat and make it absolutely free for our community.”

Plans for the day include a costume contest for all ages with prizes, a medieval display by the local Society for Creative Anachronism, board games, tea dueling, crafts and activities, and Spider-Man will do two storytimes in the afternoon. Kuhn says there is also an amazing Star Wars Scavenger Hunt; after all, it is happening on Star Wars Day – May the 4th Be With You.

She’s especially excited about the comics and publishing author talk that will happen in the theatre featuring local author Frank Krulicki.

“He’s published a graphic novel called ‘The House of Wonders’ and he’s bringing in his distributor and publisher and they’re going to be doing a little panel to talk about how to break into the comics and graphic novel industry. So there’ll be a lot of cool insight there,” she says.

There are limited spaces left for the Spider-Man Storytimes and pre-registration on the library website is required. People who want to be in the costume contest are asked to sign up from 10-11 a.m. It gets underway at 11 a.m.

All other Comic Con activities are drop-in.

Follow us on social media: @mhpubliclibrary

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