#RECReads And We Want You To Read Too!

Real Estate Collective, Medicine Hat's newest boutique real estate firm, is providing 1,300 FREE library cards to help foster our community's love of reading.
Posted on 06 April 2021 by Nichola, Real Estate Collective.

When the concept of Real Estate Collective started, deeply rooted within its conception was the need and desire to connect and give back to the community. As a group, we wanted to align ourselves with an organization that shared similar value systems and help them achieve some of their initiatives. A partnership with the Medicine Hat Public Library made perfect sense. 

The Library is a hub within our community for all ages. It is a spot where parents can bring their babies for story time, and children can learn the joy of books and imagination. The Library is a place of solitude for students of all ages, where there is always a chair to curl up in, a table to sprawl your ideas over and friendly faces to help you find whatever resource it is you might need. In a nutshell, the Library is a home away from home. 

Real Estate Collective get’s the importance of “home”. The safety, the memories, the familiarity - all these things are what provide that sensation of being home. We strive to help our clients achieve this goal daily. Supporting the Library is another way we can help give back to an organization that shares and understands how important it is to have a personal sanctuary

We want to encourage Hatters to enjoy a lifelong journey of learning and equitable access to information. We will be providing 1,300 FREE library cards to help foster the community's love of reading.

The idea is that once people get their cards, we hope that they will share their excitement by snapping a pic and using the hashtag #RECReads so we can encourage more people to head to the Library, snag a free card and START READING.

Visit the Library during these hours to get your free card. If your card just needs to be renewed, you can do that easily right now by using our Online Renewal Form

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New Library Card Sponsor: Real Estate Collective Real Broker

We’re feeling the love this month, and not just because of Valentine’s Day.Elizabeth McNally and the team at Real Estate Collective Real Broker are celebrating Library Lovers Month by once again sponsoring library cards at Medicine Hat Public Library and helping keep cards free for the community.The donation of $2,300 means FREE library cards for 460 adults in Medicine Hat (kids’ cards are always free).McNally describes herself and her team as “super passionate about the library.”“I think it’s such a foundational piece of…...read more
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