​BYOB Club Coming To Medicine Hat Public Library

This year's adult summer reading program will take you from the water to the stars
Posted on 09 July 2024 by Chris Brown.

Medicine Hat Public Library is putting an out-of-this-world spin on our adult summer reading program.

Instead of our One Book One Summer program where everyone reads the same book after a public vote, in 2024 we’re challenging you to read multiple books within multiple themes. Which books are we challenging you to read? Well, that’s up to each of you. 

That’s right, introducing MHPL’s BYOB (book, not beer) Club. 

“Every two weeks starting July 4 we’re giving you a new theme,” says Miranda Leduc, adult and community librarian. “Every second Thursday we’ll meet for the Bring Your Own Book Club where we’ll talk about the different books we’ve all read.” 

The first theme is Into The Water and runs until July 18. The first BYO Book Club meeting takes place on that day at 6:30 p.m.

“You can read any book that has anything to do with water. That includes books based around water, in water and near water – beaches, oceans, rivers and more,” Leduc explains.

The themes and dates for the rest of the summer are: 

  • Into The Woods, July 18-Aug. 1. Meeting 6:30 p.m. Aug. 1 
  • Into The Mountains, Aug. 1-15. Meeting 6:30 p.m. Aug. 15 
  • Into The Stars, Aug. 15-29. Meeting 6:30 p.m. Aug. 29

That all sound pretty good, right? We haven’t even gotten to the best part yet. For every book you read in each theme you can submit a ballot for a grand prize draw at the end of summer. You can pick up and submit ballots at the library information desk or enter a ballot online.

To get you started we’ve created lists of book suggestions for each of the four themes.

Into The Water

Into The Woods

Into The Mountains

Into The Stars

Happy reading!

Follow us on social media: @mhpubliclibrary 

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